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Information about: buy bauch and lomb contact lens

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  • buy / b/ v. (buys , buying ; past and past part. bought / bt/ ) [tr.] 1. obtain in exchange for payment: he had been able to buy up hundreds of acres [intr.] had no interest in buying into an entertainment company. (buy someone out) pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share. procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery: here was a man who could not be bought. be a means of obtaining (something) through exchange or payment: money can t buy happiness. (often be bought) get by sacrifice or great effort: greatness is dearly bought. [intr.] make a profession of purchasing goods for a store or firm. 2. inf. accept the truth of: I am not prepared to buy the claim that the ends justify the means [intr.] I hate to buy into stereotypes. 3. (bought it) inf. died: his friends had bought it in the jungle. n. inf. a purchase: the wine is a good buy at $3.49. an act of purchasing something: out on a produce buy for the restaurant. PHRASES: buy time delay an event temporarily so as to have longer to improve one s own position.

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  • debauch / dibch/ v. [tr.] destroy or debase the moral purity of; corrupt. dated seduce (a woman). n. a bout of excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, esp. eating and drinking. the habit or practice of such indulgence; debauchery: his life had been spent in debauch. DERIVATIVES: debaucher n.
  • debauchery / dibchr/ n. excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.

buy bauch and lomb contact lens:

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  • coulomb / klm; -lm/ (abbr.: C) n. Physics the SI unit of electric charge, equal to the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by a current of one ampere.

buy bauch and lomb contact lens:

  • contact process see sulfuric acid . Author not available, CONTACT PROCESS., The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2007
  • contact receptor n. A sensory receptor such as a touch receptor or a taste receptor that is stimulated by an object or substance touching it. Compare distance receptor.
  • contact lens n. a thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct visual defects.
  • contact sport n. a sport in which the participants necessarily come into bodily contact with one another.
  • contact inhibition The cessation in vitro of both movement and replication in a cell on making contact with other cells, such that a confluent monolayer is formed in the culture. Probably it occurs as a result of the formation of cytoplasmic bridges between cells. In many cancer cells this inhibition is absent.
  • eye contact n. The event of two people simultaneously gazing at each other in the vicinity of each other s eyes. Also called mutual gaze. See also equilibrium hypothesis, gaze aversion, non-verbal communication, regulator.
  • contact verb contact the head officesynonyms: get/be in touch with, get hold/ahold of, communicate with, be in communication with; write to, write, notify, phone, call, speak to, reach.
  • contact hypothesis n. The proposition that sheer social contact between hostile groups is sufficient to reduce intergroup hostility. Empirical evidence suggests that this is so only in certain circumstances.

buy bauch and lomb contact lens:

  • telephoto lens Camera lens with a long focal length. A true telephoto lens has a focal length longer than the physical length of the lens, as opposed to a long-focus lens, in which the focal length is equal to the physical length. For a 35mm camera, any lens with a focal length of more than c.80mm may be regarded as a telephoto lens. For larger-format cameras, the focal length may be as much as 1000mm.See also photography
  • crystalline lens n. The biconvex, transparent, elastic structure immediately behind the iris of the vertebrate eye that helps to focus light rays on to the retina, although most (about two-thirds) of the refraction of light entering the eye occurs at the cornea. The degree of convexity of the crystalline lens can be altered by radial ciliary muscles up to about age 45, after which the lens becomes hard and its focus cannot be altered. See also aberration (3), accommodation (1), ametropia, aphakia, astigmatism, cataract, cycloplegia, lens, refraction. Compare compound eye, ommatidium.[So called because of its internal crystalline structure]
  • lens XVII. L. lens LENTIL; so called on account of its shape.
  • Series of concentric rings, each consisting of a thin part of a simple lens, assembled on a flat surface. G.-L.-L. Buffon (1748) first had the idea of dividing a lens surface into concentric rings to reduce the weight. In 1820 his idea was adopted by Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788 1827) for the construction of lighthouse lenses. Fresnel lenses have the optical properties of much thicker and heavier lenses. They are used in spotlights, floodlights, railroad and traffic signals, and decorative lights. Some thin Fresnel lenses are molded in plastic, the width of the rings being only a few thousandths of an inch; such lenses are used in cameras and small projectors.
  • contact lens Lens worn on the cornea to aid defective vision. Invented in 1887, lenses were initially made of glass. Modern contact lenses, developed (1948) by Kevin Tuohy, are made of plastic. Hard (corneal) lenses cover the pupil and part of the cornea. They are usually gas-permeable (allowing oxygen to reach the cornea). Soft (hydrophilic) lenses cover the whole cornea and are hydrated in saline solution. buy bauch and lomb contact lens

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